
Showing posts from January, 2019

Farewell Post

Hello, readers sadly today is my last post. I am going to wrap things up about my experiences in blogging for fun.  1. What do you think were your top 3 posts? Were these the most interesting? The most fun? The most creative? The most well-written?   My top three posts were professional blogger, guest post, and my story about my debate. These were very interesting blog post, I really enjoyed these post. These were definitely my post creative posts. Also these really like the way these are written. 2. Which 3 blogs from your classmates did you think was the most creative or fun to visit?   My favorite post from classmates blogs have to be Alisha's cooking memes they make me laugh every time I read them. Bri's college dorm on a budget, her ideas were so creative and super cute. Great way to get things you need for a dorm, without the

Post of choice

Hello readers, as this may be my last post I thought I would try to wrap things up and talk about my future plans. This year I will be graduating high school and going to college in the fall. I plan on attending the College of St. Benedict in the fall of 2019. I plan on majoring in Elementary Education, with the hopes of becoming a 3rd grade teacher! I am not sure what or if I am going to minor in anything. I would really enjoy math, so maybe that could be an option, but I am not sure yet. I chose St. Bens because I wanted to stay close to home, the first time I went to campus I fell in love and knew this is where I was going. Choosing a major was a difficult task, I had no idea what I wanted to do. A bunch of things sounded interesting but only for a short period of time. Then last year I had Teacher Cadet with Mrs. White, I was put in that class because I did not have a fourth hour. We had to go into a classroom for ten days with the same teacher. The first few days we had to


                 Hello readers, today I thought I would give a tutorial one things to help you study! Step 1. Pay attention in class         This may seem obvious but this is the most important step. When you pay attention in class and take good notes, you start the process and learning and studying.  Step 2. Take good notes           Start by writing down facts that your teacher mentions or writes on the board during class. Try your best to use good handwriting so you can read your notes later. Step 3. Plan ahead           Waiting until Thursday night to study for Friday's test  will make for a homework night that's no fun! It also makes it hard to do your best. We're all guilty of putting things off sometimes Step 4. Break it up           When there's a lot to study, it can help to break things into chunks. You can always review your notes and read over the chapters you're working on. Step 5.   Lose the confus


Hi, guys today I am going to share a quote with you that I found that I really like and means something to me. I chose this quote because I think that I need to step back and tell myself that no one is perfect. It apply's to my life because I tend to think that everyone had their life put together and mine is just a mess. But this quote shows that we all have out faults and if someone can't handle those they do not deserve to be in my life. A situation in my life that this quote could apply to is that, people see one side of me and are okay with it but then they might see me on a bad day and cant handle it. This just shows who your real friends are and the people who actually care about you. A person in my life that this quote could apply to is Alisha. This quote fit Alisha perfect, she does not care what people think of her good or bad. She is her own person no matter what people say about her. This quote remind people to be there self and not worry what other people think


After I figured out how to save the images, it was super easy and went super fast. It was a fun way to express my thoughts on my topic that I usually could not just throw into one of my post. The hardest part of making the memes was what I was going to talk about, since my topic is broad. My memes are about school and just my life in general. I never knew how easy it was to make memes.

Post of Your Choice

Hello reader, I have not done a post about talking about my day in a while so I though I would do one on those again. Yesterday was okay, the best a Monday could be I guess. I had my normal day, get up and go to school. When I got home from school I told myself that tonight I was not going to procrastinate. If you haven't read my New Years Resolutions post, go check that out and you would find out that I wanted to work on not procrastinating. I had got home and got straight to work. I started writing my research paper for my college comp class. My topic for my paper is organ sales. We have to have 1000 words done by Wednesday, so my goal for the night was to get to at least 850 so I would only need 150 more for today in class and tonight after school. At 8:30 last night is when I had reached my goal, and told my self it was enough for the day. Although it was enough comp homework, I was not completely done with my homework. I had to start studying for my college history test tha


Hello readers, today the topic of my post is money! I am going to go back and look at what I spent this past week! I am going to break down the week, day by day and go into detail about what I had spent. Sunday- I worked Sunday, I was too lazy to make myself lunch so I decided to order lunch form the coffee shop at work. I got a grilled cheese with ham on pretzel bun. It had cost my $3.25 with my employee discount, but I did not have to pay for it now, it will just come out of my next paycheck. Monday- After school Monday I had to get gas, I had a quarter of a tank and it cost me about $19 dollars to fill up. Tuesday- Tuesday I did not spend any money Wednesday- Wednesday I did not spend any money Thursday- Thursday I did not spend any money Friday- Friday I went to Chipotle with Alisha and Emily, my total was $7.55 but I had a gift card so I used that to pay for my meal. Saturday- I went shopping with my mom and   I spent $35.00 on a new swimsuit from target.

Profile post

LUKE COMBS  What are the famous for? Country Singer  Where were they born and where do they live?   Born : Charlotte, NC Lives : Asheville, NC What is there family situation? He is engaged to Nicole Hocking  Craziest or most impressive thing they have done? He dropped out of college in his 4th year right before graduation Net Worth? 1.2 Million as of 2018 Education? Appalachian State University  Full Name? Luke Albert Combs  Famous Quote? " I am an honest dude, not trying to be anything other then who I am"  What is Comb's favorite way to spend a day off in Nashville? Fishing on the Cumberland River  What fellow country singer does he consider to be his "spirit animal" Garth Brooks, "We're both dashingly handsome, and we're both great performers."

Recent Event

Name of Event: Haven Conference  Where: Atlanta, Georgia. At the Grand Hyatt Buckhead  When: July 18-20, 2019  How Often: Each Year  Who is involved: The Conference brings 350 pro bloggers with 100 sponsors representatives over 3 days.  Why does it take place: To help people improve their skills  Who most likely will attend: Haven is open to all who are passionate about blogging, DIY projects, and creating beauty in a home for less.  How many can go: Anyone that wants to attend, not sure if there is a limit.  Cost: $359- $750.  What happens:  Sessions focus on improving skills in blogging, decorating, home improvement, photography, writing, social media, brand relationships, book writing, and more!    My thoughts: I think that this is a super cool events, for aspiring bloggers to go and meet professionals.  It's great for people to learn new skills, they can use in their everyday life or on their blog. I would fine this convention very interesting, if


1. Drink more water. I could use my Fitbit app to make a goal and track my water. I already bring my water bottle with me to all my classes, but clearly that is not working cause I not drink all of it already. 2. Do not procrastinate as much I need to do my homework before the day its due, senioritis is at its max right now. I do not ever want to do my homework. When I do not have anything to do instead of watching Netflix I could be doing that homework that is due in a few days. 3. Save more money I need to think before I buy something. Ask my self do I really need this or is it just a want. With college coming up in the next six months, I need to save as much as I can. 4. Got to bed earlier I tend to go into bed earlier but I start off by telling myself that I will only watch one episode of Netflix, and the next thing you know its 11:30 and I have to be up in 7 hours. I need to learn to not go on my phone before I go to bed. 5. Enjoy the moment I tend to worry


Hello readers! Some of you might know that I am from the small town of Cold Spring, Minnesota. Cold Spring has a population about 4,000. Not very big at all. In this post I wanted to share with you some of my favorite places in town. Some of the places that I spend a lot of my time.  The first place that I spend a lot of the summer is the Cold Spring Baseball Park. My friend Alexia and I we watched a lot of baseball this summer. We have been to many baseball parks and by far this is one of the nicest ones we have been to, besides Target Field. Th field is so pretty, the perfectly mowed stripes in the outfield. The only downside is that the bleachers get super hot when the sun shines on them, they will burn your legs.  The second place that  I spend a lot of time is Marnanteli's.  This is a very popular spot after sporting events, mainly after football games. This is also a very popular place for high school students to work. I never go in there without seeing