Post of Your Choice

Hello reader, I have not done a post about talking about my day in a while so I though I would do one on those again. Yesterday was okay, the best a Monday could be I guess. I had my normal day, get up and go to school. When I got home from school I told myself that tonight I was not going to procrastinate. If you haven't read my New Years Resolutions post, go check that out and you would find out that I wanted to work on not procrastinating. I had got home and got straight to work. I started writing my research paper for my college comp class. My topic for my paper is organ sales. We have to have 1000 words done by Wednesday, so my goal for the night was to get to at least 850 so I would only need 150 more for today in class and tonight after school. At 8:30 last night is when I had reached my goal, and told my self it was enough for the day. Although it was enough comp homework, I was not completely done with my homework. I had to start studying for my college history test that is next week Wednesday. I studied for like five minutes and then I gave up I was so tired.  I hope you guys had a great Monday, enjoy the rest of your week!


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