
Showing posts from December, 2018

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Christmas Post  The Christmas tree debate - do you get a real or fake one? Why? We get a fake on, not really sure why we get a fake one. I think that my parents like a fake one better  Are there any gifts you want in particular this year? What are they? Yes, I want a Apple watch  What is your best holiday memory? Describe. My best holiday memory is more like a tradition. Each year we get a new pair of pajamas and we wear them on Christmas day to my grandparents.  What is your worst holiday memory? Describe. When I thought that I was getting a new phone and when I opened the gift I started crying because it was not a new phone.  Inspirational Post  I'm an honest dude, not trying to be anything other than who I am. What are they most famous for? Being a country singer  How do they make their living? singing country music  What are the details of their personal life? (where do they live? wor

Top Ten

Top Ten Country Songs of 2018 10. Good Girl I choose to add this song to my top ten because it is a very catchy song. Every time I hear it, it always get stuck in my head the rest of the day. This is also my favorite Dustin Lynch song.  9.. Memories Are Made  I chose to add this to my top ten because it reminds me of my friend Alexia. This songs is one that we would listen to when we are older and look back on all of our memories from high school. We always get a kick out of this song because some of the lyrics are "breaking mama's rules" and we definitely have broken our mothers rules, over the last 6 months.  8. This Ones for You  This song Luke talks about all the people in his life that have helped him get to where he is today. It makes me think about all the people I should thank. This song is so sweet and one of my favorites.  7. Don't Tempt  Me  This is the name of the tour Luke Combs that he is on right now.  This

Professional Blogger

Hello Everyone, today I am reviewing a blog that has the same or similar topic as my blog. The blog that I am evaluating is Life with Mrs. T. This blog is written by Caitlin Thielen, she writes about her life as a wife to a NFL player, mother of her son Asher and baby boy on the way. Here is the link to her blog  I would highly recommend going and checking out her blog. If I had to give Caitlin an award for her blog it would totally have to be of her layout, her layout is very simple but I love it. It makes things easy to read. I wish my blog looked like hers! Her most recent post was on December 7th and she talked about the first Thielen Foundation Event. In the post it explained when they went to the hospital to talk to kids staying there. She also thanked all the people that came to Top Golf where the first events was hosted. Her second most recent post was on October 17th. She talked more in depth about her hospital visit with her husband

Guest Post

Hello friends! My name is Bri, and I'm hoping on Makayla's blog today to tell you a little bit about my weekend. I also have my own blog about home decor and crafts, go check it out . I work at the local Scheels in St. Cloud, Minnesota, and love it. I am a former cashier and now work in the coffee shop. I enjoy giving customers samples and seeing the smiles on the little kids faces when they get it. I opened both Saturday and Sunday of this weekend, which means I was in charge of making employee drinks. During the middle of this process the steamer broke, which meant that I would have to reject any customer that needed a hot drink. I was so annoyed. But, we figured out the problem and I was back in business. Christmas is almost here which means the store was CRAZY, we went through fudge like no other. One guy came up and bought eight six packs of fudge, what a generous guy! The day went bye so fast, and I hardly got a second to t

Thursday December 13th

Hello Readers, Yesterday I had a very eventful day, first I had to go to school. My day at school was okay, did not have anything important going on. In my first hour college history, we watched a video about John Brown and got an assignment about him. Second hour, consumer econ we read a story about a couple in debt. Third hour, blogging I made a survey about things in my peers life. Then I made my last post which were they answers for my three peers answers. Fourth hour current events, we had to debate out first week topic which was arming teachers. I was on the con side, I do not think that teachers should be armed. Lastly college comp, we learned about fallices and read examples , so we do not put them in our research paper that we have coming up next week. Then the most eventful part of my day, going to the basketball game. The game was in Little Falls and my friend Alexia and I we were going with Randy and Sondra, Alexia's boyfriends parents. We had to be at their


Alisha F.    Brianna E.    Annika W.  What class causes you to stress the most, and why?     Intro to Lit, lot of work no stress for this gal College short course calc- I'm dumb  Do you have a job, if so where?     Yes, the barking birch pet lodge yes, scheels yes- mills fleet farm  What do  you  like to do in your free time?     W atch Netflix or play with my dog lay in my bed crafts and watch netflix What  activities  are you involved in?      Student senate, RADD, NHS softball  NHS, tennis   How long are you doing homework each night?      1-3 Hours  negative 1-2 hours What are you looking forward to most over  Christmas  break?     No school, food chillian like a villain   spending time with family and friends   What is the  craziest  thing that has happened to you within the last month?     I cannot remember   making it to today I thought I had my car stolen, but turns out my boyfriend is a brat


Hello readers, Yesterday in college comp we had to do our debates, my group we were debating zoo's. Well we thought were going to be debating the positive and negative aspects of zoo's. But apparently we were not. I was on the pro side with Megan and Sydney. We were debating against Allie, Sam, Rece, and Emily. My side went first and we started with a strong introduction and followed with strong main points with facts and statistics to back us up. After we had finished with our 7 minutes we had to say our side of the debate the con side had three minutes to ask us questions. The questions they had asked us were related to what we had said, so we had to answers to their questions and felt pretty confident going into hearing what the con side had to say. As soon as the con side starting telling us their points about zoo's which we thought were negative effects or aspects of zoo's. After the first few minutes we realized that we were not debating the same thing, the were