Thursday December 13th

Hello Readers,
Yesterday I had a very eventful day, first I had to go to school. My day at school was okay, did not have anything important going on. In my first hour college history, we watched a video about John Brown and got an assignment about him. Second hour, consumer econ we read a story about a couple in debt. Third hour, blogging I made a survey about things in my peers life. Then I made my last post which were they answers for my three peers answers. Fourth hour current events, we had to debate out first week topic which was arming teachers. I was on the con side, I do not think that teachers should be armed. Lastly college comp, we learned about fallices and read examples , so we do not put them in our research paper that we have coming up next week. Then the most eventful part of my day, going to the basketball game. The game was in Little Falls and my friend Alexia and I we were going with Randy and Sondra, Alexia's boyfriends parents. We had to be at their house at 6 pm so we could make it on time. On the way there we took the back roads, which did not even up being the best decision. We passed a house that had ton of Christmas lights on their house all over their yard. Randy was talking about something else and then stopped in the middle of the sentence to tell us that he thought those lights were break taking. We all laughed so hard, just the way he said it was so funny. Our first problem that we encountered was that it was really foggy, putting on the brights would not help. Because we did not have our brights on and it was foggy we could not see that far in front of us. Therefore when the deer ran across the road in front of us we did not see it. Thankfully we did not hit it. The roads that we took Randy had never taken these roads, so when there was a stop sign we did not see it, once again thankfully we were not going that fast so we could still stop in time. Yes, it was a little scary but it was more funny when Sondra was freaking out and telling Randy to pay attention even though he was. She told him that we would never want to ride with them again, which is not true. After awhile we finally had made safely to the high school. Thanks for coming along with me on this adventure.


  1. i love how your blog is about different things. i also like how there is alot of funny things


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