
Hello readers,
Yesterday in college comp we had to do our debates, my group we were debating zoo's. Well we thought were going to be debating the positive and negative aspects of zoo's. But apparently we were not. I was on the pro side with Megan and Sydney. We were debating against Allie, Sam, Rece, and Emily. My side went first and we started with a strong introduction and followed with strong main points with facts and statistics to back us up. After we had finished with our 7 minutes we had to say our side of the debate the con side had three minutes to ask us questions. The questions they had asked us were related to what we had said, so we had to answers to their questions and felt pretty confident going into hearing what the con side had to say. As soon as the con side starting telling us their points about zoo's which we thought were negative effects or aspects of zoo's. After the first few minutes we realized that we were not debating the same thing, the were only talking about zoo's we inhumane. At first we did not think that it would a big deal that we could still have a good debate. Then things took a turn for the worse, it turned into a mess. it became the debate portion we were just confused and were getting mad at each other. People were talking for other people on the other side not letting us answer the questions intended for our side, people started saying snarky comments at one another, it was not fun. The audience favored one person in particular and when that person would say something and the audience would cheer. Then when someone on my side would say something he other team would have us seem that we were in the wrong because we were not debating the same thing. At first it did not bother me, but then when we were done someone from the other side went in the hall with someone from the audience and started talking. We all were pissed because clearly they were talking about how we were wrong and did not have any answers to the questions from the audience cause we were all confused. Then she came in and was very arrogant and was like you guys did great and thinks will be okay. It made us even more mad because the only reason that she was saying those things were because she knew that the audience would chose her team to win. She was also being very sarcastic when she told us that we did a good job, she just made it sound that she was better then us because the audience loved her mean comments and the way she was acting. Overall if you can not tell I am not very happy about they way things ended and how people acted during and after the debate, they should have been more respectful. But its over now and there's nothing that we can do about it. All that I ask is that when we find out what are grades are that she does not brag about there grades, how her side did better then us and say how we messed the debate up. But we were both in the wrong and it is no ones fault.


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